Settle in to a more authentic you

When it feels like you’re stuck, another way

is possible. Let’s work together to help you

compassionately embrace all of you.

Counselling for individuals and couples, Hampton, NB

Currently Booking clients for summer/fall 2024

Settle in to a more authentic you.

When it feels like you’re stuck,

another way is possible. Let’s work

together to help you compassionately

embrace all of you.

Online Counselling for individuals and couples in

New Brunswick.

Settle in to

a more

authentic you.


When it feels like you’re stuck,

another way is possible.

Let’s work together to help you

compassionately embrace all of you.

Counselling for individuals and

couples in Hampton, NB

Understand Your Emotions

When you can’t make sense of what you’re feeling and why, it can be exhausting. I want to help you take the mystery out of your emotions because you don’t have to stay overwhelmed.

Navigate Change

Disoriented, confused and out of ideas. You might feel these things if you’re navigating a change – big or small. If you’re in the middle of one of these seasons, having someone witness and hold space for the new you that is emerging can be a game changer.

Strengthen Your Relationships

Maybe you and your partner want to do things differently but just keep getting stuck. Or maybe you’re about to take a big step. An outside perspective & evidence based tools can help get you on track again.


I’m Kendra (she/her; LCT-C, CCC). I want to help you find a sense of grounding in who you are. I will do this by welcoming all of you, being curious about you and helping you clarify what’s most important. I know that being heard and known by someone else can be a powerful way to begin a new way forward. That’s why I do what I do. When you’re ready to start the journey, I’m here to help.


I’m Kendra (she/her; LCT-C, CCC). I want to help you find a sense of grounding in who you are. I will do this by welcoming all of you, being curious about you and helping you clarify what’s most important. I know that being heard and known by someone else can be a powerful way to begin a new way forward. That’s why I do what I do. When you’re ready to start the journey, I’m here to help.

If you’ve tried everything it can take all of your strength to reach out for support. You might wonder if it’ll be worth it and whether or not you can muster up the courage to dive a little deeper into your pain. I hear you. Whether it’s your first time trying counselling or you’re ready to try again, I see the bravery of that step and am ready to support you in the journey.

Contact Me

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Book Appointment

Kendra is currently booking clients for summer/fall 2024

Please note: This site is not an emergency or crisis resource. If you are in crisis, or need immediate support please call the Chimo Helpline in NB (1-800-667-5005), Canadian Suicide Prevention Service (1-833-456-4566), or Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868).